Instruction Manuals

We understand that sometimes finding your instruction manual can be a hassle, but don't worry, we're here to help!

List of Instruction Manuals:

303251- easyCHARGE Power+
Cordless Iron

303250- easyCHARGE Cordless Iron

332102-Speed SteamPro 1.6L Steam Generator 

332103-Intellitemp SteamPro Steam Generator

332013-Power SteamElite Plus Steam Generator

400520- MixStar
Compact Stand Mixer

501021-Compact Soup Maker

501025-Perfect Soup Maker

48822-Classic Soup Maker

501050-Clarity Soup Maker

460022- 3.5 Sear & Stew Slow Cooker

461020-Sear & Stew 6.5L Hinged Lid Slow Cooker

461021- Easy Time 6.5L Slow Cooker

248020-Illumination 4-Slice Toaster

108020-Illumination Jug Kettle

100330- Venture Retro Pyramid Kettle Silver

108271-Hive Jug Kettle Black

Compact Espresso Machine

480007- Manual
Air Fryer

480003-Manual Air Fryer

242800 - Motive 4-Slice Toaster Brushed Steel

242801 - Motive 4-Slice Toaster Black

242802 - Motive 4-Slice Toaster Chalk

48281 - Fastbake Bread Maker

For anything further please get in touch.