Vegan Millionaires Shortbread

Prep time: 30 mins
Cook time: 5 mins + chilling time
Makes: 16 squares


For the base 

  • 150g cashew nuts
  • 50g rolled oat 
  • 4 Medjool dates, pitted 
  • 50g melted coconut oil

For the filling 

  • 350g pitted Medjool dates
  • 125ml unsweetened almond milk
  • 25ml maple syrup
  • 150g coconut oil
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

For the topping 

  • 150g coconut oil
  • 5 tbsp cocoa powder 
  • 2 tsp maple syrup


Step 1: Start by grease a 20cm square cake tin and line with baking paper. Now tip the cashew nuts and oats into a blender and blitz to until they resemble crumbs.

Step 2: Add the dates and coconut oil to the blender, and blend again. Once you're happy with the mixture, transfer it into your lined cake tin and use a spoon to press and compact evenly. Let this chill in the fridge while you prepare the filling. 

Step 3: Now you can make a start on your filling! Add the dates, almond milk, maple syrup and coconut oil to a saucepan with a generous pinch of salt and bring to a simmer. Boil for around 2-3 minutes until the dates are soft.

Step 4: Cool the caramel a little, then pour into the blender, add the vanilla extract and blitz until it is a smooth purée. The caramel will be very hot at this point, so take care when handling. You can add a little more salt if it is too sweet for your taste.

Step 5: Now carefully pour the caramel mix over base and spread evenly to cover, making sure to get it as smooth as possible. Then go ahead and chill this in the fridge while you prepare the topping. 

Step 6: In a saucepan, gently heat the coconut oil until melted. Remove from the heat and then whisk in the cocoa and maple syrup, ensuring there are no lumps. Allow to cool for around 10 minutes, and then pour over the top of caramel layer.

Step 7: Chill in the fridge for at least 3 hours or until firmly set. Cut into equal squares and serves! They should keep in the fridge for up to a week.

Recipe inspired by BBC Good Food

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