The BEST Creamy, Veggie Soup in the Soup Maker | James Brooks Recipes
- 1 Cauliflower - chopped
- 2 Potatoes, peeled and quartered
- 1 Onion, diced
- 2 Carrots, diced
- 2 Celery ribs
- 2 Garlic Cloves, quartered
- 500ml Chicken Broth
- Salt, to taste
- Pepper, to taste
- 250ml Water
- Chives + Bacon bits to garnish
Step 1: Add all the ingredients to the soup maker.
Step 2: Give it a mix.
Step 3: Set to “Smooth”.
Step 4: Allow to cool for 5 minutes.
Step 5: Garnish with finely chopped Chives and Bacon bits.
Step 6: Serve and enjoy!
Recipe by James Brooks -
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In the day ‘Veggie’ was an abreviation for vegetables – surprise, surprise – not a lifestyle term! Bring on the dead chickens and pigs.
it is VEGETABLE SOUP not Vegetarian soup!
This isnt veggie soup at all, theres a dead chicken and a dead pig in there, will get a different brand
Will definitely make this now the weather is turning cold.
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