No-bake Vegan Strawberry Tart

Prep time: 20 mins
Cook time: 2 hours (chilling time)


For the base

  • 100g cashews 
  • 100g oats 
  • 50g dates, pitted 
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil 

For the filling

  • 150g cashews, soaked in water for 30 mins 
  • 3 tbsp strawberry jam 
  • 300g strawberries 
  • 100ml chilled coconut cream 


Step 1: Put all the ingredients for the base, plus 2 tbsp water, in a food processor and blitz to a dough. Press the mix into a 23cm fluted tart tin, using your fingers or the base of a glass to spread into an even layer across the base and up the sides of the tin. Chill in the fridge while you make the filling. 

Step 2:  Drain the soaked cashews and tip into the food processor with half the jam. Hull 200g of the strawberries and add to the processor. Blitz until smooth and fully combined. Add the coconut cream and blitz again until really thick and smooth. 

Step 3: Spoon the mix into the tart case and spread it level. Chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours or until ready to serve. Remove from the tin and decorate with a swirl of the remaining jam (loosened with a little water if very thick) and the remaining fresh strawberries. 

Recipe: Tesco Real Food

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